Kirschnerrnrn06-8554 – 06-8560rnrnKIRSCHNERrnrnWire traction bows.rnrnto be used wuthrnrnKIRSCHNER-wuresrnrnup to 2.5 mm diam.rnrnWith 3 hooks.rnrnstainless steel rnrn nside dimensions width depthrnrn06-8554 200 mm 155 mm for the hiprnrn06-8555 155 mm 155 mm for the femurrnrn06-8556 135 mm 130 mm for the kneernrn06-8557 120 mm 120 mm for the kneernrn06-8558 105 mm 100 mm for the kneernrn06-8559 95 mm 110 mm for the calcaneusrnrn06-8560 95 mm 70 mm for the arm and elbowrnrnSize : 200 mm / 155 mmrnrn
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